The Personal information that you provide for membership to Tubslake Shooting Club is used in the following ways.
- It is a Home Office requirement that we maintain a register of all members names, date and place of birth, addresses, and the date when full membership started
- We are required to notify the Kent Police Firearms office of the above information plus the date when leaving club membership, and if necessary the reason why
- We are required to document when Firearms certificate holders shoot and that they meet the requirements of attendance, to enable this we record if a FAC is held, we also ask for certificate number to aid identification if needed
- We are required to enquire whether any person wishing to shoot at the club is barred from having fire arms in their possession, or has had an application for a fire arms or shot gun certificate refused. This will include air guns.
- We are required to hold the information for a period of 6years from the point of leaving for any person who ceases to be a member. The membership application form will then be shredded.
- We supply the names of members to the N.S.R.A For affiliation purposes and statutory insurance requirements, contact details will be supplied as necessary in the event of a claim, or in the event of disciplinary actions.
- As a club we are required to ensure that those wishing to join are properly checked as to character and the two referees as supplied on the application form will be consulted and their details kept for a period of 6yearsfrom cessation of membership then deleted
- The club in addition to the information we are required to collect by law also request telephone and e-mail addresses for the purpose of contacting members where there is a need to send notices and information with regard to Club activities and meetings. This information is also passed to the Kent Police Fire Arms Officer.
- Junior members information is subject to the same conditions as adult membership with exception that consent is signed by a parent or guardian
- The interior club room and .22 range are monitored by closed circuit television for statutory security requirements and the clubs Health and Safety monitoring. The recorded images are deleted on a regular basis excepted where occasion arises where the data may need to be reviewed for security reasons and health and safety monitoring and then deleted as soon as possible afterwards.
- The Data stored on computers and mobile devices will be deleted following cessation of club membership.
The Club Officers who currently have access and a need to use the Data the club holds are,
1: The Club Chairman
2: The Club Secretary
3: The Club Treasurer
4: The Club Police Liaison Officer
To help us to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations and the efficient running of the club if you have a change in your personal details, name, address, phone, Fire Arms Certificate etc. please let the secretary know without delay.
You have the right to view the personal information that is held about you with reasonable notice to the secretary.
If you have reason to believe that your personal information has been misused you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office
By submitting a club application form, you are agreeing to your personal information being used in this way.